Image algorithm intern
  • Location: Hengqin
Job vacancy
2 person
Job responsibilities
  • Engage in frontline medical research projects and conduct research by integrating computer vision, deep learning, medical image processing, and other cutting-edge technologies.
  • Assist in designing experimental schemes, collecting and processing experimental data, and conducting experimental verification.
  • Write code and implement algorithms for medical-related application technical solutions.
  • Contribute to paper writing and submission, including analyzing and interpreting experimental results as well as describing technical methods.
  • Actively participate in team discussions and collaborate with team members to collectively advance the progress and outcomes of the project.
Job Requirements
  • Possess a master's or PhD degree in computer/biomedical engineering.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in at least one deep learning open source framework, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  • Exhibit strong hands-on ability and proficiency in Python, C/C++, or another programming language.
  • Possess solid foundational skills in machine learning algorithms and statistics, capable of proposing solutions to practical problems and quickly validating them.
  • Have relevant experience applying deep learning techniques in the medical field, displaying curiosity and passion for new technologies while staying updated on advancements within the medical domain.
  • Preference will be given to candidates who have published papers in internationally recognized medical journals (e.g., TMI/MedIA) or top conferences (e.g., MICCAI/IPMI/CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/AAAI/IJCAI).
  • Candidates with outstanding achievements in authoritative competitions like MICCAI, CVPR, or KAGGLE are preferred.
Pre-Application Form
Pre-Application Form
First name*
Last name*
Phone number*