REMIND-OS is a generalized distributed
system architecture for medical robots
in interventional radiology area.
1.Module Reusability
The reusability of modules in interventional surgical robots is one of the critical issues for achieving comprehensive robotization in interventional surgery.
2.Unified Communication Architecture
The radiation therapy requires different information types and information retrieval frequency at different treatment steps.
3.Trustable Reliability Mechanisms
Trustable reliability mechanisms for surgical robots is a critical step in advancing technological maturity and ensuring healthcare quality.
This module is as the brain of interventionalists with self-learning ability, burdening the responsibility of restoring and distributing information as well as integrating all algorithms;
Interventional planning information generating module (IPGM):
During the implementation of interventional surgery, this module enables surgeons to interact with IBCCM to generate a collection of planning information;
Immersive control & navigation module (ICNM):
This module receives the planned information from IPGM and interventional physicians could initiate or terminate every surgical action;
Interventional tool sensing module (ITSM):
This module gathers perception information about all intraoperative actions and related outcomes, which are sent to ICNM for immersive presentation;
Interventional tool execution module (ITEM):
This module collaborates with physicians to execute actions according to IBCCM’s control commands.